Remember the Montauk monster? It arrived ashore near the Ditch Plains of Montauk in the middle of summer and had everyone asking – it is a dog, is it a raccoon or is it an alien? Apparently, it's none of the above. After talking to the girls who capture the deceased beast on film, the carcass disappeared. There were stories it was in hiding and tales a man took it into his backyard to have mounted for his wall. Needless to say, no body appeared for scientific analysis.
After questioning Plum Island and considering the Men in Black, it seems the Montauk Monster is a publicity stunt. Rachel Goldberg, who discovered the beast, is the sister of producer Darren Goldberg who is making a monster movie called Splinterheads. On the other hand, Christine Pampalone from East Northport also took photos that day – check it out:
So is director Goldberg just hopping on a ready-made situation to start his own cheap viral campaign promoting Splinterheads? Did the second photographer photo a different beast? Although the questions seem to be answered, are they really? I don't think so but apparently Nicky Papers, owner of the www.montauk-monster.com thinks so because he's already selling the domain name. He says, “Maintaining this website has become too much work for me and it's been hard finding time because I have a full-time job. Additionally, I need to spend more time with family.” Hmm...still wondering what the real story is...