Everyone is doing it. Those cool green signs are posted all over the neighborhood, indicating a household in support of making Mastic Beach an incorporated village. Is it peer pressure or do you really want to be a village?
Having been employed in municipal law for over a decade, I am well aware of the positive and negative elements of becoming an incorporated village. In some instances, communities gain much-needed organization and assistance. Often this occurs in tiny communities with little other opportunity for a voice.
Mastic Beach is a large area. While many people claim we won't pay more taxes as a village, that simply isn't true. I've seen these plans in action over the years in many areas. We will pay more taxes and can the residents of Mastic Beach really afford that? What about seniors who lived here their entire lives? Disabled veterans and their families barely getting by now? Will this new village financially force these people out? Where will they go after building this community, often considered one of the "last hopes" on Long Island? Is this a way to thank them, the PEOPLE of Mastic Beach?
I don't see it impacting the slumlords, who are all integrated into our school district, government and community organizations. They will tailor laws to suit their own needs, creating an area with the "have's" and "have-nots" instead of the wonderful, struggling middle class community we are.
It seems to be another way to pick the pockets of residents of our community. Ultimately, more people will be in "power" with greater control over our lives, homes and money. We know what government officials have done with that power in the past. Is this what we really want?
Frankly, I was for this Village idea for all of ten minutes until I started to reconsider the harsh realities. It seems to be wiser to band together to demand our already elected officials DO THEIR JOBS. If everyone did their jobs, this would not be an issue. Our government is already top heavy with little real representation for the people. Though I don't see it in the media or local papers, many people I talk to do NOT want the village and feel it is a mistake.
How about signs for us? Let's stand up and be counted.