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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Blue Claw Crab Festival in Mastic Beach and Mastic Beach Village Vote on August 31

We stopped by the annual Blue Claw Crab Festival at the marina in Mastic Beach.  Last night I forgot about the Festival with the hectic pace of back-to-school.  Riding by the beach and seeing all the signs, fencing and stands reminded us to pay a visit today!

Our waterfront marinas and beaches are beautiful.  It makes you sad to realize there is less than a week of summer vacation left with school back in swing on September 3...

But then there's still Labor Day weekend!  Enjoy the rest of summer in Mastic Beach and don't forget to vote yes or no to a possible Village of Mastic Beach on August 31 at the Mastic Beach firehouse on Neighborhood Road between noon and 9 pm.

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